Thursday, October 31, 2019
The Church Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Church - Essay Example St Peter and St Paul were perhaps the two most important influences on the Early Church after Jesus himself and on a par with Jesus’ brother James. The Early Church seemed to face major challenges as the Apostles died out. Despite these challenges the Early Churches would go on developing and would eventually allow Christianity to become the sole official religion of the Roman Empire some three centuries later, the same Roman Empire that had tried so hard to eliminate the Early Churches. Evidence about the Early Church was recorded not only in the New Testament especially the letters of St Paul, the letters of James, St Matthew’s gospel and the Book of Acts it was recorded by non-Christians within the Roman Empire. The writing of the four gospels of the New Testament was given greater urgency by the fact that the Apostles and those who had actually witnessed Jesus for themselves were dying through old age and persecution. Raymond Brown wrote The Church the Apostles Left Behind for various reasons. One reason was to examine and explain how the Early Church not only survived the death of the Apostles yet also how it would eventually prosper in the face of persecution and hostility. Brown concentrated on studying and writing about the seven main Early Churches such as those of the Corinthians and Rome. To be a Christian in the 1st century AD not only put people into a tiny minority it also put them at great personal risk, Jesus, St Peter and St Paul had all been executed and would be followed by many ordinary Christians. The strength of faith and bravery of many members of the Early Church had to be admired. The Early Church seemed to well endowed with the Holy Spirit and strong sense of its own convictions. All good Christians should after all be prepared to stand and fight for what they believe to be right. Brown also explored how the Early Churches started to organise themselves in terms of developin g the roles of the ministry and the laity
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
What steps should an American leader undertake to avoid Civil War of Essay
What steps should an American leader undertake to avoid Civil War of 1860 - Essay Example The backdrop or case in history that would be a noted example would be the American Civil War during the late nineteenth century. To start off, this paper would try to look into the causes of the American Civil War and see which among the factors was the most pressing or critical for the war to start with. From that point, this paper will then explain what would be the personal suggestions or actions that could have been taken to prevent any further escalation of hostilities between both opposing sides during the civil war. If I Were the United States President During the 1860’s, How Would I Prevent the Civil War? It is difficult to be the head of state when dealing with the likelihood of civil war. Such instances would mean either two things for a president. One option is to immediately choose a side among the belligerents, which could mean either the losing or winning side. The other option is to try to remain neutral while encouraging much political maneuver or diplomatic a pproach as the only way to engage the problem. The head of state usually makes these decisions based on political alignment, economic advantage, or the moral high ground. Perhaps an ideal scenario that would make a great example would be the American Civil War. ... Defenders of slavery from the Southern Confederacy held that slaves are needed to run their economy since most of their economy runs on agricultural growth and development, especially with cotton crops. At the same time, slaves were views by southerners as property and were held as to have private protected ownership by right of the owner. In the case of the northern side, their economy is largely based on industrial progress and trading of equipment and materials. This gave the northern side the advantage over the south in terms of economy and, eventually, military power. The use of slaves for the north was not really needed for their economy to run. Although Leidner (2011) held the opinion that: Although slavery was the moral issue of the nineteenth century that divided the political leaders of the land, the average American had very little interest in slaves or slavery. Most Southerners were small farmers that could not afford slaves. Most Northerners were small farmers or t radesmen that had never even seen a slave. The problem then is not solely on the economic issues of slavery, but it is found on the politics that revolved around slavery. Handlin (1864) further observed that: The institution of slavery has, doubtless, been a true cause of secession and rebellion, although there have been many who disputed the proposition, and alleged that the tariff and other questions were more powerful agents in causing the South to throw off her allegiance and seek protection from the injustice of the North in a separate and independent government. (pp.41-42) It should also be noted that the seat of the Federal government and power is located at the northern side, and most
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Strategic Business Plan Lexus Motors
Strategic Business Plan Lexus Motors This report is about the meaning and analysis of LEXUS in respect of strategic planning and implementation point of view. In this report I have deliberated about the history of LEXUS and their strategic marketing analysis in terms of its positioning besides its growth rate and market share in todays business environment. And main resolution of the report is to plan the implementation of the strategy. Moreover, we have discussed about the vision, mission, objectives and current marketing trends as well as the SWOT (mà ©tier, weaknesses, opportunities threats) analysis, external internal conservational scanning of the concern in respect of their participants and strategic formulation of the firmpolicyalso how we will going to tool these strategy and also give some recommendations that can help to grow their marketplace share in the upcoming competitive marketing environment. LEXUS competing the competitors maintaining strong relationship with patrons by taking under consideration its Macro PC environment very efficiently. In this report, we also make a thorough review, monitoring and control that how company studied and control the strategy of LEXUS., policies such as corporate strategies, business level and its real-worldpolicies, action program and economical protection of the business. 2 Back Ground The standard for examination was basically the criterion given to me by our teacher. Before commencing my project I have stay in the company. I had conducted few group meetings in which I meticulously discuss concepts and over view of my project. The Business that I would remain researching on was properly selected keeping in view the contact besidesaccessibility.It was basically research project owed to me by our awarding body Edexcel. The main theme of the project was to choose particular excising organization and constructs its organisationplan; develop vision, mission and objectives besides measures plain for the implementation of the strategy the research was led by by direct and projective techniques and animated research.This was basically a very good learning experience as I conducted proper field study, and this gave me a factual idea of the strategy formulation and implementation of the finished strategy that I might be hesitant upon throughout my professional life and for preliminary my profitable it s really realobliging for future. 3 METHODOLOGY My research project contains detail evocative research. It doesnt include any quantitative investigation its solely based upon qualitative data. which I calmfinishedright visiting to the organization besidesleadingmeetings .and myself also collect some financial information of the businessafterhereyearly financially record books. I also conduct information from different online resources. That is I showed the penalties qualitatively. E.g. how my company frames, appraise and control group for the appeal of the plan. 4 Vision, Mission and Objective 4.1VISION Statement To be the professional and innovative in Motor Industry in all around the World. 4.2 LEXUS MISSION STATEMENT Lexus is stanch to customer satisfaction through offering high quality with excellent services and good value of their price. We take great pride in aiding each other, our customers. We seek continuous improvement in all that we do for the benefit our stakeholder and the society we live within. To attract and retain customers with the highest worth products and services and the most satisfying tenure experience. 4.3 Statement of Values Lexus firmly stanch with a corporate philosophy that incorporates solid values. We encourage a culture of mutual respect and treat in cooperation our team members and users with quick facilitiesthenupkeep. We aim to be proactively responsive to new ideas only if variety of Motors as compare toward our competitors. 4.4 Objectives To Increase advertising by 70% by December 2011. Generate 70% brand awareness within the consumers target market by December 2011. To break even by the end of 2011 To increase in market share by December 2011. To earn a good reputation and create a good image of the company by reducing customers complaints by December 2011. To increase the sale of Lexus motors up to 3million by the end of 2014. 4.5 CORPORATE FINANCIAL OBJECTIVE To achieve return on sales 90% by JUNE 2011 and double it by JUNE 2012. To achieve cost to income ratio of 90% by May 2010 and reduce this ratio by 30% on a yearly bases. To capitalize the business by January 2012 To always maintain high sales of 100% by January 2012. 5 EXTERNAL INTERNAL ENVIRONMENTAL SCANNING 5.1.1Political Analysis Since Lexus Motors operates in multiple countries across Europe and Asia, the Vital East, and Australia, it requirements to pay close care to the political climate Which are also laws then regulations in all the countries he operates in while also paying attention to regional leading bodies. Laws governing commerce, trade, growth, andasset are reliant on the local government as well as how Successfulnativebazaarsthenthrifts will remain due toward regional, national and local influence. 5.1.2 Ecumenical Analysis Functional in numerous countries across the world, Lexus Motors occupations with a globalpecuniary perception while focusing on each individual market. Because Lexus is in a rapid growth period, expanding or forming a joint undertaking in over six countries world-wide since 2007, a worldwide approach enables Lexus Motors to adapt and learn from the other different regions within the complete automotive industry. They needability and resources from five continents across the globe, thus when any mutable changes in the marketplace they can gather information andfunds from all over the world to talk any issues. For instance, if the value of the aluminum required to make train blocks goes up cutting-edge Kenya, Lexus has the selection to get the aluminum from other suppliers in Asia who they would generally get meanwhile for production in Ukraine or China. 5.1.3 Social Analysis With out any confusion, the beliefs, opinions, and general boldness of all the stakeholders in an organizationwill touch how well a company does. This includes every stakeholder since the CEO and Premier, down tothe line workers who rivet the door panel into place, after the saver to the customer, the culture and attitude of all these people will eventually determine the future of a Organization and whetherthey will be lucrative or not. For this aim, Lexus Motors inclines to use anaddition and seldom separation technique by foreign companies theyobtain. In 2007, LexusEngines acquired fordmarketableVehicles Company, which was at the time Koreas second largest truckmaker. Slightly than using de-acculturation or integrating Daewoo, Lexusappropriated an integrated approach, and continued building besides marketingDaewoos current models as well as introducing a few new copies transnationallyunbiased as it had continual done below Korean organization. 5.1.4Technological Analysis Lexus Motor viewpointits parent company, the Lexus Group, are ahead of the game in the know-how field.The Organization growth is a deep empathetic of financial stimuli and customer needs, andthe ability to translate them into customer-desired aidsfinishedprincipal edge. Engaging 1,500 experts and concocts,LexusGas-poweredTraining and Development team is debauched of the pack inUK marketplace and right concluded the rest of the field globally. AmongLexus innovatorsbe located the first indigenously industrial Light CommercialVehicle.In all ancarbuilder must modificationfamiliarize andproduce to vacation competitive in the automotive eagerbesides this is exactly what Lexus is doing over their rapid development, thenextensive research and growth. 5.2 Industry Competitive Analysis 5.2.1 Threat of New Entrance For the current UK marketplace for Motor Industry, it is not difficult for a Motor Industry to enter the market. However, it would remain extremely difficult to take ended already running major Big Government dominancy in UK or even make a important amount of profit Ford holds the first-mover benefit into the Green Cars specialty Motor Industry that gives them free reputation. Customers, especially heavy lorry drivers who remain used to going to TTC as a treat or reward after their company are not going toward go to other company theyve not ever heard of. The makedesignation is before established also, there is nowa large variety in the numerous western-style trains is obtainablein UK, such as Rover,Ponto and Land Rover. 5.2.2 Threat of substitute products As printedoverhead, there are a few major contestants in the Motor Manufacturing in Uk for Lexus, namely Ford and Ponto. The substitute products, in this case, would be TerrestrialNomad. Though they standcompetitors, their chiefcropsvaryimportantly from each other, in that they vend, Magana, Old-styleUkchic Motors, These alternatesopinionabsolutelycautiousfit as compared to the Lexus. Smooth Motors from street sellerstotalby way of substitute Motors. 5.2.3 Threat of bargaining power of suppliers The suppliers, like the buyers, have very little bargaining power. In terms of Lexus , Fords upon its move into UK, advised many of its Indian. suppliers to also extend branches into Europe. Lexus also began helping local suppliers by giving them technological support to improve their products. This is a brilliant strategy because the provisions that Lexus would otherwise need to import after the U.S. can now standgotten domestically, and if the Indian. Suppliers decide to raise their prices;Lexus caneffortlessly switch to the nativedealers. This gives us a brilliant strategy. By this strategy, Lexus created competition among its suppliers, lowering the supplier bargaining power. In terms of human resources, toil cost is extremely low because the supply of non-skilled workers great exceeds the demand for them. With so slight buyer and supplier hagglingpanels, Lexus remains able toward have a real tight switch over its prices and expenses. 5.2.4 Threat of bargaining power of Buyers The customers of Lexus, especially as individual buyers, have almost no bargaining power because doubt only one client threatens to no longer Buy Lexus, the store is not going to lower its price because the cost of late one customer is not very great.If Lexus is not providing any Other deal or upsurge the standards then customer will automatically switch toward other contestants e.g. Ford, Peugeot,and Land rover, can control these things by giving them a variety of Creation and other deal at sensiblestandards in command to grab the market and to maintain stability 5.2.5 Rivalry among existing competitors More or less what one would expect, Lexus has little rivalry with similar Motors in India. The primary aim is that their essential products are different, as in they sell different types of Motors with very different tastes and styles. For example, if Lexus elevatedhis price for normal car by a small quantity, UK Motors lovers who may not be as accepting to any other motors In addition to that, these businesseshave such different target patrons that the fluctuation of price for one out let is not going to affect the others. For sample, a full range car at Lexus ranges about  £30,000, but a full range keep is onFords motors can cost over  £40,000. The drastic difference in price swears no price opposition between these motors. 5.3 Internal Environmental Analysis Strategy Structure Style Staff Skills Systems Shared value Lexus focusing the horizontal growth strategy in the Motors industry. Lexus has top to bottom and bottom to top style of structure as top level of management also take feedback from lower level of management, Lexus is following participative leadership style all decisions took place in General meetings on popular bases Lexus has skilled and skilled staff to work within. Lexus provide proper training to staff on to meet set standards. A special log in addition checked with in body of Health besides Safety. Lexus has detached production department based on very capable worker for making of Motors. Lexus conduct changed types of polls for the feedback from their costumers and manner different types of products for their imposts. Lexus uses Quality Organization Program Managing quality in a manufacturing occupational revolves everywhereconcernedclient expectations. Lexus aim is to be proactively sociable to new ideas individual if variety of Motors as compare to our entrant in order to s atisfy clients. 6 SWOT Analysis 6.1 Strength New speculation by Toyota for its Lexus brand in factories in the US and China saw 2007 profits rise, against the international motor industry trend. Remaining profits rose 0.8% to 1.17 trillion yen ($11bn;  £5.85bn), while sales were 7.4% higher at 18.55 trillion Dollars. In 2003 Toyota analyzed its contestants Ford into third advertisement, to become the Worlds second largest carmaker with 6.78 zillioncomponents. The business is still behind rivals Over-all Motors done 8.59 million units in the same period. 6.2Weakness Being big has its own problems. The World market for cars is in a state of saturate and so car creators need to make sure that it is their models that clients want. The company needs to preserve producing flatcars in order to keep in mind its prepared efficiency. Car plants symbolize a huge deal in expensive fixed costs, as well as the from top to toe costs of homework and recollecting labor. 6.3 Opportunities Lexus and Toyota now have a reputation for manufacturing environmentally friendly vehicles. Lexus has RX 400h hybrid, and Toyota has it Prius. Lexus is to target theurban youth marketplace. The company has launch its new Aygo, which is targeted by the sharp youth market and captures (or attempt to) the nature of dance plus DJ culture in a very viable section. 6.4 Threats Product recalls are always a problem for vehicle manufacturers. In 2005 the company had to recall 990,00 sports utility vehicles and accidental trucks due to faulty front delay systems. The company is also exposed to any force group in the price of raw wealth such as rubber, steel then fuel. The key economy in the appeasing, the US and Europe also gengo-slows. These financial factors are potential intimidations for Toyota. 7STRATEGYFORMULATIONS 7.1. Corporate level Strategies Lexus focal argument on Horizontal growth strategy, Lexus always make a decision to pursue new and additional customers and furthermore it chooses to search new technology. E.g. Green Cars is one of the mile nuggetsof this group. 7.2. Business level Strategies Lexus was able to greatly decrease lead-time and cost using the TPS, while humanizing quality at the same time as a Business level Strategy. This allowed it to become one of the ten largest companies in the world. Him is now as lucrative as all the additionalcarriagecorporations shared and became the main car manufacturer in 2008. 7.3. Functional/Departmental Strategies The Principles of Functional Approaches of the Lexus Way is aadministrationviewpoint used by the Lexus firm that includes the Lexus Production System. The main ideas are to base organisation decisions on a philosophical sense of purpose and think long term, to must a process for solving problems, to add value to the organization by emergent its people, then to recognize that continuous solving root problems drives organizational knowledge. 8. Critical Success Factor (7 S model) 8.1 Strategy Lexus is the world main and most well known Motor Production Company, per chain in more than 15 thousand locations and worldwide in 75 countries Lexus had refocused global strategies to grow up its lucrative and licence Motor base overall over the world. 8.2 Structure Trainee Managers help with day-to-day running of the restaurant, and need to ensure that all operations, customer service, cash handling, marketing, purchasing, human resources, supervision and training development policies are followed Responsible for working the service areas in addition ensuring quality product, service and hygiene is delivered to all customers by top speed too with a smile. 8.3 Style Lexus spotlight on participative leadership style. Each out let manager uses the style of interpersonal edge with their employees. Lexus management relationship-oriented have both touchingthenuseful elements. 8.4 Staff Lexus also give proper training to all of their employees to maintain standard of the business. Lexus worker revenue is low so all of their staff is loyal and shows obligation. Lexus and its grant employees are further than 700 thousand in all over the world. Lexusbe necessary fully expert and acquaintancesupervise to slog with. 8.5 Skills and Competencies Lexus centre on relational skills as well because they are dedicated to purchaserpleasure through influence high quality with excellent services and good value. Lexustoomaintain industrial skills by keep reviewing Continuous improvement process to provide good quality Standard motors to their customers. 8.6 Systems The quality, service, and spotlessness program for judging the quality of service outcomes from the standpoint of every customer. The operations provision review program for measuring a Quality process implementation performance against Lexus process condition. The results of these two classextentsequencers are incorporated addicted to the Officialdom. Lexus hires a dedicated interviewing service to survey customers on their impression of formationdelivery and quality. 8.7 Shared Values Lexus too focus on imaginative ideas by given that after sale facilities and have some special ability for the commercial customers. Lexus as an association permits are by convenient places e.g. nearby city centre, big spending malls, chiefsubstructures and native area. Brand evenhandedness is one of the key strength aimed at Lexus to spread its outlet all about the world. 9Implementations Strategy Implementation Strategy implementation is the development of allocating resources to support the chosen strategy Objectives Department Action required Resources required Profit maximization. Promotion Large scale advertising activities Bill Board To get a good reputation and create a good image of the Lexus Feature control Supply product according to set standard require Best Stock for Manufacture 3. Stronger out lets all over Country Land survey team New land reform news keeping tab on the competing chains 4. Interactive Relationship Marketing Marketing Focus on Electronic way Building local public relations E Employee loyalty HR Keeping employee turnover low Commitment proper training 6. On time Delivery Transport More Vehicles needed  £ 50,000.00 10. Review, Monitoring and Control 10.1 Monitoring Policy Lexus habitsspecial techniquesin additionworth system for monitor all collect process and sales behavior. Lexus specially focus on to uphold quality and provide product according to set normal so they obligate quality specialists staff employed for monitor all managerial process behavior day to day bases. 10.2 Control Lexus has its own Data base to keep all the record of sales and clientele. Lexus control and share aggregated demographic with publicist and related all franchises. Lexus also use outside companys t beakoperators for if services. Lexus has good team who manages and keeps control off all effortssince they are the part of Lexus. Lexus all statistics and in order is copy right and highly secret to reservation its standard in the intimidatingforcefulmarketplace. 11 BUDGETS 11.1 Financial performance for the last 3 years (2008-2010) Actual and forecasted financial statement for the period ending 2010 2008( £000) 2009( £000) 2010( £000) Revenue 10000 17000 30000 Cost of Sales (5500) (5000) (6700) Gross profit 5500 7000 15400 Distribution costs (800) (1000) (1100) Administration expenses (1200) (1600) (1800) Net profit for the year 1200 6600 7700 Gross profit % 45% 60% 68% Net profit for the year % 18% 55% 55% 11.2 Actual balance Sheet as at 2008-10 and forecasted balance sheet 2008( £000) 2009( £000) 2010( £000) Non-current Asset Property, plant Equipment 6676 7500 7940 Current Assets Inventories 515 700 536 Receivables 291 500 280 Cash cash equivalent 645 500 692 Total current Assets 751 1200 2208 Total asset 7527 7200 8148 Equity and Reserves Issued share capital 2723 2535 1839 Share premium 6899 3600 5381 Revolution reserves (128) 1200 9025 Retained earnings 16 85 203 Total Equity Reserves 7727 5100 9148 11.3 Summary of financial budgets for the next 3 years Actual balance Sheet as at 2007-10 and forecasted balance sheet 2011-2013 2011( £000) 2012( £000) 2013( £000) Non-current Asset Property, plant Equipment 90000 10000 11000 Current Assets Inventories 4000 6000 6000 Receivables 11000 22000 70000 Cash cash Equivalents 12000 220000 10000 Total Assets 114000 144000 155000 Equity and Reserves Issued share capital 80600 95600 87350 Share premium 7500 7600 8600 Revolution reserves 6000 12200 25000 Retained earnings 12900 14400 25150 Total Equity Reserves 154000 130000 155000 G A N T T C H A R T Total Budget  £300 Million. Marketing Activities Time (when action) Responsibility 2010 2011 J F M A M J J A S O N D Advertisement à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Advertising Agency Sponsorship à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Marketing Asstt Sports Event Hosting à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Marketing Asstt Events New Car Launch à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Country Director Road Show à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Total  £ 12 Conclusion The GX 470 is one of the three SUVs offered by Lexus luxury nameplate, Lexus. The vehicle is placed in the middle of the smaller RX and the full-size LX in everything from size to price. It linked the Lexus line-up in 2010 and is currently in its first generation.AirConditioner. SomeLexus GX470s may mustglitches with the air conditioner system. Cutting-edge some cases (exact to the 2007 to 2010 model ages) the A/C may not cool sufficiently, requiring various parts to be marked for repairs. Some 2007 vehicles might need the expansion valve replaced as a consequence of breakingbeforereport noises after the hindmost air conditioner component.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Habermas on Virtue :: Ethics Morals Papers
Habermas on Virtue Although Habermas has never worked out a conception of virtue and indeed criticizes this notion whenever he uses it, his theory crucially depends on the virtuous attitude of participants in discourse  be it in the realm of democracy and law or that of morality. In this paper, in which I deal only with the ethical foundations of morality, I argue first that the norms of discourse which are gained from a presuppositional analysis of speech as such have to be complemented by the sensitive perception on the side of the recipients. Only when the claims are understood in their full significance for the speaker does the discourse live up to the ideal which is already anticipated in every speech act. This presuppositional analysis shows secondly that it is mainly the virtuous attitude that is morally relevant and not those capacities for acting morally that the agent already possesses. However, the virtuous attitude genuinely entails the obligation to strive to perfect all those capa cities that enable us to sensitively understand the other's claim. A discussion of the (discursive) capacities that have to be promoted leads to the singling out of sensitivity as contrasted to immediate empathy. It is the reflexive transcendence of the agent's evaluative patterns that allows this emotion to sit well with a post-conventional morality. Finally, I discuss a possible caveat of Wellmer and Habermas who might claim that the proposed conception of virtue would only be valid for participants in discourse, but not for agents acting in the life-world. However, because the discursive virtue is of wide latitude, it does not fall under this objection. The last several years have seen an impressive revival of interest in the concept of virtue. In contrast, the discourse ethics of JÃ ¼rgen Habermas seems to be especially inadequate to account for the ethical significance of virtue, because by emphasizing intersubjective procedures it plays down the importance of individual qualities. In fact, Habermas uses the term 'virtue' rarely, and where he does use it, he criticizes it harshly for presupposing a shared conception of the good life. (1) However, as I will argue in this paper, there is a conception of deontological virtue which is not only compatible, but indispensable for Habermas's theory. Thus, although he attempts to externalize virtue as much as possible into procedures, discourse ethics has to presuppose that the participants possess a genuinely virtuous attitude.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Lexington and Concord: Who Fired First? Essay
The purpose of this Essay is to investigate and state my opinion on who fired first at the Battle of Lexington and Concord. As for every story, there are two sides to this important timepiece. There are many sources of information for this subject. Many provided for me were affidavits, or accounts, of key people in the conflict. Some are more credible than others. As for the affidavit of John Parker, it seems believable. On the other hand, it lacks detail. His account is very short and simple. Not many details are present compared to others. In this legal document, he states he ordered them to disperse and to not fire upon the enemy (British Troops). According to him, the British troops approached and rushed with fury and fired without any previous provocations. In my opinion, this may seem like a good source, but when compared to others it is not the greatest. I believe that the affidavit of Edward Thoroton Gould is the second to the last most credible group of statements of the six pieces of evidence/ information that were given to me. He testified that on April 18th of 1775, he embarked with the light infantry and grenadiers of the line commanded by Colonel Smith, proceeding to Lexington. â€Å"On our arrival at that place, we saw a Body of provincial troops armed, to the number of about sixty or seventy Men; on our approach, they dispersed, and soon after firing began, but which party fired first, i cannot exactly say, as our troops rush’d on shouting , and huzzaing, previous to the firing, which was continued by our troops, so long as any of the provincials were to be seen.†As you can see, Edward Thoroton Gould is very clear and detailed in his description. He seems to know what he is talking about, and has no doubts that it happened that way. Simon Winship of Lexington speaks for the opposing side of Edward Thoroton Gou ld. They are both clear and detailed, and have well-written descriptions. He was passing the public road in Lexington, peaceably and unarmed, when he was met by a Body of the Kings regular Troops. Also being asked to dismount, he was forced after asking why. Ordered to march in the midst of the Body, he was being examined as to whether he was or was going to warn the Minute Men. He came within about an eighth of a mile of the meeting-house, when he saw an officer commanding his troops to halt, prime and load their firearms. They marched a little further, within a few rods of Captain Parkers Company , when Winship â€Å"observed an Officer at the head of said troops, flourishing his sword, and with a loud voice, giving the word fire!†If Winship is honest, this is the most believable story. He even has the details of the word â€Å"Fire!’†being said. He declares in the most solemn manner that there was no discharge of arms until the word fire was given by the British Officer. In the diary of British Officer Lt. John Barker, he makes the most detailed description of what happened ikn his eyes. Since this is a diary/primary source, this may be the most credible for me to believe. According to him at 2 o’clock they began marching through a very long ford up to their middles, where they took 3 or 4 people who were going to give intelligience. â€Å"About 5 miles on this side of a town called Lexington, which lay in our road, we heard there were some hundreds of people collected together intending to oppose us and stop our going on. At 5 o’clock we arrived there and saw a number of people, I believe 2 and 3 hundred, formed on a common in the middle of the town; we still continued advancing, keeping prepared against an attack tho’ without intending to attack them, but on our coming near them they fired one or two shots, upon which our men without any orders rushed in upon them, fired and put ‘em to flight.†Their missioon was to destroy a magazine of stores collected in Concord. Of all the legal documents, the diary entry of British Officer Lt. John Barker is the most credible. Bits and pieces of all the affidavits could be true, but as a whole piece the diary entry in my belief is the best. The reason for this is because it is a actual written entry, and has the greatest of details. The colonial troops fired first, in my opinion. Only someone who experienced it firsthand and documented it could have given that credible piece of evidence. He even stated that were actually a few people trying to sneak intelligience, otherwise stated by Simon Winship. This is my opinion of who fired first at The Battle of Lexington and Concord.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Response to the Right Stuff Essay
David Suzuki in his essay â€Å"The Right Stuff†stresses the importance of sex education and human biology, in the course of science, in high schools. He urges that in high schools sex education should be taught first than any other subject. Suzuki argues that the impressions made in high school are very deep and are unforgotten than any other stage of life, so in this age, whatever they will learn, will always remember and will be very beneficial throughout their life. So, he urges the need of educating human sexuality in high school. Although Suzuki’s idea of teaching sex education in high school is interesting, the argument he makes is less than convincing. Suzuki’s main purpose for writing essay is reflecting the importance of sex education in high schools. He wants that science education in high schools should be taught practically and in more interesting way. He argues that the students in high school are enough mature to understand about sex education, an d the lessons they learn at high schools will be helpful for their whole life and they will always remember those lessons. He says that all students do not choose science course at university level, so sex education needs to be taught in high schools. He informs that the students are interested and pay more attention towards the topics of human biology, drugs, and sex, so in science class sex education should be taught first. Suzuki in his essay uses the information from his personal knowledge and from his science background. He sees everything in a scientific way because of a science background, and suggests teachers that first they go through practically from every subject in science before teaching to students. He also wants in high schools, sex education should be plan around human biology. The major part of the essay covered his personal narration, which is his visit to a small town to judge a science fair. Suzuki also uses some information in his essay, from the book â€Å"Is There Life After High School?†that he read and some given by a high school teacher of a small town about the interes t of students towards sex, drugs and cars. The consequences of Suzuki’s reasoning are that some of the parents and religious persons maybe on the other side because maybe they do not want that their children know about sex education, that is why, they may be disagree. On the other side, if students get all the information regarding sex in their early age at high school, they might be grow too quickly, and probably get into sexual activities in their young age. In some of the religions, sex education is not allowed in high schools, if it kept compulsory in schools, so maybe some religions will oppose it. And also students may not pay much attention to other subjects, or they start watching erotic films, so that will affect their life. In his essay, Suzuki does not provide strong evidences to support his idea. He first describes the life of students in high school and the changes occur in that period, then he suddenly shifts to his personal experience in a small northern town with 400 high school students. But his main points are not properly argued. Suzuki wants sex education to be taught in high school, but he didn’t think about the bad impact of that education on students. Some students will probably do a lot of bad things, which they don’t need to do, if they will get the knowledge about sex in their teenage. So, his main point is not convincing.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
US involovement in Korea essays
US involovement in Korea essays The question of whether The United States was right to enter into the Korean war is not a geomilitary question, but rather an ethical one. Was the US just in their decision? To respond to this dilemma, we look to Just War Theory as our guide. Just War Theory denotes the inevitability of war, distinguishing between a moral and immoral war. The basic qualifications for a Just war involve a defensive or Punitive war. An offensive war is usually the immoral one. Aristotle helps to justify Just War Theory with his notion that, "No one chooses to be at war or provokes war for the sake of war...We make war that we may live at peace." In the late 1940's, the United States viewed the Soviet threat in regards to their expansionist abilities. The US feared the psychological pressure forced upon the periphery countries of the Soviet Union. The priorities of The US centered around the strengthening of Western Europe and the peripheral countries in order to build their self-confidence in the struggle with Communist intrusion. The State department's attitude, cited by John Foster Dulles, was that, "If conduct indicates a disposition to fall back and allow doubtful areas to fall under Communist control, then many nations will feel confirmed in the impression." In Cicero's Just War theory, he clarifies that war, "...should be a lastresort, turned to only when discussion is unsuccessful." Why did the US not try to negotiate before the Korean War? The truth is that the US could not negotiate until the Soviet's changed. As it was, the Soviet's had the negotiation advantage of both secrecy and the ability to manipulate public opinion by isolating the public from external influence. Through this lack of public opinion, the US and Soviets had few negotiations at all before the war and were not about to begin them now. The US could not negotiate with the Soviets until the Soviets came to the realization that their capabilities for Eurasian domination w...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Personal Philosophy of Teaching essays
Personal Philosophy of Teaching essays Of all the beautiful things in this world, there are few things that surpass the images of music in childhood. For most people, our earliest memories are deeply rooted in music. As children begin school, they are ready to begin formal musical training. As a music education major, I am driven to share the joy of music with my future students. Music education has numerous benefits. Too often, we associate music with fun or playtime. However, I feel, as a music educator, it is my job to tap the musical beauty within children. Music teachers are the catalyst that stimulate childrens musical intelligence. I want to share with my students the skills needed to develop musical abilities that can be used in all parts of life. Music can provide a powerful form of expression. Children are capable of experiencing this magic. Music is the substance of childrens playful expression and experimentation of the world around them. And provided with a basic knowledge of music, these children will be equipped with an avenue for expressing what cannot be verbally expressed. Although I am aware that not all students will acquire my passion for music, I want to present it to them. After learning basic information about music, students are better equipped to make educated decisions about music. As a teacher, I will be able to share with them my knowledge of this powerful form of expression. ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Lexicology - Definition and Examples
Lexicology s Lexicology is the branch of linguistics that studies the stock of words (the lexicon) in a given language. Adjective: lexicological. Etymology From the Greek lexico- -logy, word study Lexicology and Syntax Lexicology deals not only with simple words in all their aspects but also with complex and compound words, the meaningful units of language. Since these units must be analyzed in respect of both their form and their meaning, lexicology relies on information derived from morphology, the study of the forms of words and their components, and semantics, the study of their meanings. A third field of particular interest in lexicological studies is etymology, the study of the origins of words. However, lexicology must not be confused with lexicography, the writing or compilation of dictionaries, which is a special technique rather than a level of language studies ...The essential difference between syntax and lexicology is that the former deals with the general facts of language and the latter with special aspects. . . . Syntax is general because it deals with rules and regularities that apply to classes of words as a whole, whereas lexicology is particular because it is concerned with the way individual words operate and affect other words in the same context. Although borderline cases do exist in both lexicology and syntax, e.g., in the case of grammatical or function words, the distinction between the two levels is fairly clear. (Howard Jackson and Etienne Zà © Amvela, Words, Meaning, and Vocabulary: An Introduction to Modern English Lexicology. Continuum, 2007) Content Words and Function Words [T]eachers of English have customarily distinguished between content words, like snow and mountain, and function words, like it and on and of and the ... Lexicology is the study of content words or lexical items. (M.A.K. Halliday et al., Lexicology and Corpus Linguistics. Continuum, 2004) Lexicology and Grammar Both grammar and lexicology involve us in an indefinitely large number of superficially different units. In the case of grammar these are phrases, clauses, and sentences; in the case of lexicology the units are words, or more precisely . . . lexical items. It is typical of grammar to make general and abstract statements about the units concerned, showing a common construction despite formal differences. It is typical of lexicology to make specific statements about individual units. In consequence, while the grammar of a language is best handled in chapters devoted to different types of construction, it is normal to deal with the lexicon of a language in an alphabetical dictionary, each entry devoted to a different lexical item. (Randolph Quirk et al., A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language, 2nd ed. Longman, 1985) Lexicology and Phonology [I]t may be thought at first sight that phonology does not interact with lexicology in any significant manner. But a close analysis will reveal that, in many cases, the difference between two otherwise identical lexical items can be reduced to a difference at the level of phonology. Compare for example the pair of words toy and boy, feet and fit, pill and pin. They differ only in one sound unit (the position of which has been [italicized] in each word) and yet the difference has serious consequences at the level of lexicology. (Etienne Zà © Amvela, Lexicography and Lexicology. Routledge Encyclopedia of Language Teaching and Learning, ed. by Michaà «l Byram. Routledge, 2000) Pronunciation: lek-se-KAH-le-gee
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Do privacy rights extend to sexual orientation Essay
Do privacy rights extend to sexual orientation - Essay Example Here, homosexuals are not ostracized and discriminated against. And the disclosure of this personal information to the other party is of little significance. (Habermas, 1989) One could argue that threats to privacy rights of homosexuals come from two sources. First is due to social stigma and taboo, as is the case in conservative/rustic regions. Second is government mandated laws that prohibit gay marriage and gay sexual activities (although some radical new developments are taking place in this area in recent years – the decision by a Massachusetts court allowing gay marriage was unprecedented). In both cases, the society and the government can be seen as intruding into what is essentially a private matter between two adults. Hence, privacy rights can be divided into positive rights. Positive privacy rights would translate as legitimately claiming the status and benefits accorded to a married couple irrespective of their orientation. Negative privacy rights, on the other hand , empowers individuals to withhold details of their sexual orientation from employers, landlords and government if it would prevent possible discrimination.
Friday, October 18, 2019
United Nations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
United Nations - Essay Example This is why the UN was set up while World War II was still going on. If the goals of the organization are peaceful, it is still essentially an organization that started as an alliance of powers against a common enemy, and was a military endeavor. â€Å"The 50 nations represented at San Francisco signed the Charter of the United Nations on June 26, 1945. Poland, which was not represented at the conference but for which a place among the original signatories had been reserved, added its name later, bringing the total of original signatories to 51†(Background, 2010). Of course, today, the UN serves as a peacekeeping organization more than a military one, but it remains effective nonetheless. concerned with essentially military matters through the extension of its most important facet, the Security Council. However, the drafters of the organization put into effect a rule of veto that has proved to make the UN somewhat ineffectual at times. Even when the Soviet Union had veto power, though, the UN remained a strong and viable organization. As time went on, the membership in the United Nations increased as new nations became de-colonized and joined the organization. With these new nations entering into the equation, things became more complicated as the number of nations increased from fifty to almost two-hundred. The UN accordingly turned to issues like the environment and human rights as important issues to tackle and began to try to legislate internationally. â€Å"UN membership is open to all "peace-loving states" that accept the obligations of the UN Charter and, in the judgment of the organization, are able and willing to fulfill these obligations. Admission to memb ership is determined by the General Assembly upon recommendation of the Security Council†(Background, 2010). The UN wanted to make peace, and therefore was well-suited for problems like human rights and the
Economic Analysis of Future Price Developments in the South West of Essay
Economic Analysis of Future Price Developments in the South West of England - Essay Example 2008, p. 3). The financial analysis takes account of the information that price expansions over those horizons are influenced mainly by the dealings of supply and demand in the goods, factor markets and services. GDP growth in the South West of England is likely to stay weak in the near term, before gradually intensification as households actual incomes recover, supported by sustained stimulus from monetary rule. â€Å"The South West Economic Profile is intended for all South West England partners working for the development of the regional economy. It provides a succinct, analytical account of the South West region in a way that can be related to the objectives and priorities set out in the Regional Economic Strategy†(South West Economic Profile n.d.). Following prices will be expected to increase in the near future; Domestic Price: â€Å"Domestic Pricing is a common but not necessarily accurate method of pricing exports. This type of pricing uses the domestic price of the product or service as a base and adds export costs, including packaging, shipping and insurance†(Basics of Exporting – Pricing, Quotations, Payment & Collections 2003). The considerable challenges of domestic price in South West of England faced by the euro area continue to pose an important risk to the domestic improvement. Domestic demand is prolonged relatively quickly in 2011. But much of that development was accounted for by unsustainably strong inventory accretion. But the drag on domestic expenses from tight credit situations and the economic consolidations are likely to persevere. The formidable threat posed to the euro continues as a challenge to the domestic recovery. The quantity of income saved by households remained significantly more than in the period leading up to the crisis. In the over all study, domestic price is expected to increase in high level. Market Price: Market price is the current price, as resolved by supply and demand, at which point of se rvices, goods etc., are perhaps sold or bought. â€Å"The UK power market, which has for several years lagged behind the large European markets in terms of traded volumes and churn, has seen a significant drop in churn and contraction in products traded in recent months, leading to concerns that new players are even less able to enter, and that the market is stagnating†(Broker 2012). The circumstances in London bank funding markets are better, but the costs of credit for companies and households have increased. Credit growth and financial structure remained weak. Since the present Inflation Report, the MPC has maintained bank rate about 0.5%, and market interest rates state that the expected timing of the future rise in bank rate had been increased. Oil Price: Presently, the oil prices of England are increasing slightly. â€Å"CPI inflation fell to 4.2% in December, down from 5.2% in September but still well above the 2% target. Inflation should continue to fall sharply at the start of 2012 as the impact of past rises in VAT and petrol prices drop out of the twelve-month comparison†(Overview of the Inflation Report February 2012 2012). Any major disturbance in oil and gas supply could cause an increase in energy prices. The way of price rises will depend on how firms set prices related to those expenses, and in particular the methods adopted by companies to re-establish their profit margins. The comparison of the past performance of oil price
McDonalds Business Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
McDonalds Business Strategy - Essay Example This essay introducts the reader to McDonald's corporative history, it's global strategy success ass well as other business strategies. Today, McDonald’s is considered as the world’s No. 1 fast-food company with more than 31,000 restaurants across 120 countries particularly in US, Europe, APMEA, Latin America, and Canada. The success of McDonald’s going global strategy is reflected with its 5.7% increase in global sales as of January 2008. In this essay SWOT analysis as well as Porter’s Five Forces model and Related Key Points were used to demonstrate corporative strengths and weaknesses. However, this essay not only focuses on McDonalds itself, but also analyzes McCafà ¨'s as being one of the world's biggest coffee retailer. With the use of SWOT analysis and Porter’s Competitive Forces Model, the researcher will examine the business status of McCafà ¨ within the global coffee industry. The researcher also tries to promote franchising option to business people and even suggests some operational strategies for McCafà ¨. Prior to the conclusion, the researcher will propose an appropriate strategic plan for McCafà ¨s. These strategic plans mainly focusses on Merger and Acquisitions (M&A) strategies, using of organic food products and entering into a joint-venture contract. In conclusion, the researcher suggests that by maintaining a good quality customer service, McCafà ¨ could provide its customers a pleasant atmosphere wherein friends and families could meet for a fresh cup of good quality coffee experiences.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Business technology 250 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Business technology 250 - Assignment Example The NIC allows a computing device to connect to a particular network. The network controller provides the hardware and circuitry needed to relay messages on a particular type of data link layer standard. Of these standards Ethernet has gained significant popularity and is widely used across the globe. It is for this purpose Ethernet enabled NIC would be made use of (Posey 2006). Wireless access point (WAP): Wireless access point is basically a device that allows wireless devices such as Smartphones, tablet PCs and Laptops to gain access to wired networks via some standard (Enterasys 2013). Through access point a number of devices are able to use the services of a network without the use of additional wiring. A WLAN controller is used to help manage Wireless access points within an office or a particular area (Enterasys 2013). DSL (asymmetric digital subscriber line) Modem: ADSL technology enables the transmission of data at a faster rate than traditional modems. The transmission medi um in both types of modems is the same that is copper telephone lines. The frequencies used by ADSL are different from those that are used during a telephone call. A device known as DSL filter allows the division of a telephone connection for the purposes of ADSL services and voice calls (ANSI 1998). Switch: A network switch is a device that is used to connect two or more than two devices with each other. In some cases a switch is used to connect two different sections of a network (Kohlhepp 2000). Switches are mainly used in those network areas where great emphasis is placed on the performance of the network and its security. Some vendors of switches provide firewall protection and network intrusion detection along with the switch to enhance its performance (Kohlhepp 2000). Gateway: A gateway is a computational system that has the capability to link two different networks that make use of different communication protocol. A gateway can comprise of hardware components, software comp onents or a combination of both. Unlike the switch a gateway tends to operate at any layer of the OSI model. The layer at which the gateway operates depends on the type of protocol being used (Allen-Bradley 2013). VPN software: VPN software helps establish the process of tunneling. VPN tunneling is a technology that allows users to create and manage logical network connections (Bender 2010). Through tunneling packets that are created in a certain VPN are encoded with a certain carrier protocol which is decoded only at the receiving end. Through tunneling certain threats and attacks can be averted and the security of the network can be strengthened (Bender 2010). Architecture of the system: Architecture in computers refers to the process of designing the structure of a computer system, microprocessor or even a program of a system. The architecture that is required in the case scenario can be divided into three main blocks of network foundation, network services and user services. Net work foundation: Like the foundation of a building the network foundation is considered as a building block on which the infrastructure and the rest of the services rely on (Cisco 2012). The network foundation ensures that information is easily transported from one location to the other without any hindrance. The network foun
Globalization for fashion brand Charlotte Olympia Essay
Globalization for fashion brand Charlotte Olympia - Essay Example Evidently, the growing need for different fashion trend is a pull factor that has instituted internationalisation of the business. As such, inception into the china market is a prudent approach for the firm. For example, Nike is a renowned product in the world due to its awareness campaign, online marketing approaches, global presence and brand strategy. However, the firm has to incept reluctance action since it has to conduct a series of market researches to ascertain the viability of the market. Incidentally, Charlotte Olympia has an established store in the United Kingdom, and it is among the advanced shops in the fashion industry. Thus, this paper will focus on the possible avenues that should be used in introduction of Olympia brand in the global perspective especially in China. For Olympia brand to grow in the china and Europe market, the administration has to involve various perspectives to achieve a substantial share. Notably, many businesses have both short term and long-term priorities to thrive in trade and this are some of the core factors that define success. For example, the firm may consider introducing of new product lines since the customers are aware of their presence. For example, Charlotte Olympia brand primarily focused on women’s footwear and accessories. However, the firm has other labels for young girls and slipper for men, which enhances the identity of the products that use the name. Thus, the first approach is aggregation, where the company uses the distinctive processes used in the original country to attract a larger demand in a new nation (Gregory 2010:8). Incidentally, the consumer behaviours are similar in different states, and this allows different establishments to use the identical methods in different marketplaces. For example, the management of Levi’s creates an emotional connection to enhance the relevance of brand in different markets and guarantee loyalty. Incidentally, Charlotte Olympia in United Kingdom has six
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Business technology 250 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Business technology 250 - Assignment Example The NIC allows a computing device to connect to a particular network. The network controller provides the hardware and circuitry needed to relay messages on a particular type of data link layer standard. Of these standards Ethernet has gained significant popularity and is widely used across the globe. It is for this purpose Ethernet enabled NIC would be made use of (Posey 2006). Wireless access point (WAP): Wireless access point is basically a device that allows wireless devices such as Smartphones, tablet PCs and Laptops to gain access to wired networks via some standard (Enterasys 2013). Through access point a number of devices are able to use the services of a network without the use of additional wiring. A WLAN controller is used to help manage Wireless access points within an office or a particular area (Enterasys 2013). DSL (asymmetric digital subscriber line) Modem: ADSL technology enables the transmission of data at a faster rate than traditional modems. The transmission medi um in both types of modems is the same that is copper telephone lines. The frequencies used by ADSL are different from those that are used during a telephone call. A device known as DSL filter allows the division of a telephone connection for the purposes of ADSL services and voice calls (ANSI 1998). Switch: A network switch is a device that is used to connect two or more than two devices with each other. In some cases a switch is used to connect two different sections of a network (Kohlhepp 2000). Switches are mainly used in those network areas where great emphasis is placed on the performance of the network and its security. Some vendors of switches provide firewall protection and network intrusion detection along with the switch to enhance its performance (Kohlhepp 2000). Gateway: A gateway is a computational system that has the capability to link two different networks that make use of different communication protocol. A gateway can comprise of hardware components, software comp onents or a combination of both. Unlike the switch a gateway tends to operate at any layer of the OSI model. The layer at which the gateway operates depends on the type of protocol being used (Allen-Bradley 2013). VPN software: VPN software helps establish the process of tunneling. VPN tunneling is a technology that allows users to create and manage logical network connections (Bender 2010). Through tunneling packets that are created in a certain VPN are encoded with a certain carrier protocol which is decoded only at the receiving end. Through tunneling certain threats and attacks can be averted and the security of the network can be strengthened (Bender 2010). Architecture of the system: Architecture in computers refers to the process of designing the structure of a computer system, microprocessor or even a program of a system. The architecture that is required in the case scenario can be divided into three main blocks of network foundation, network services and user services. Net work foundation: Like the foundation of a building the network foundation is considered as a building block on which the infrastructure and the rest of the services rely on (Cisco 2012). The network foundation ensures that information is easily transported from one location to the other without any hindrance. The network foun
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Impact Technology Has on Small Businesses Essay Example for Free
Impact Technology Has on Small Businesses Essay Technology has given the world a 360 degrees turn, as well as all businesses. Technology has a great impact on our society, culture, businesses and education. This essay will not only prove why it has an impact on small businesses but also prove how it makes technology so much better and efficient. | The Impact Technology has on Businesses The impact that technology can make on a small business is huge. Technology has made the world a more efficient and more organized place to succeed, and can help a small business be a big success and accomplishment. By making a website for your business, you can help the business expand by selling products through the website, by doing this you expand the business world wide and can increase profit. You can also organize your business in all aspect, simple tasks made in a business such as book keeping and record keeping can make so much simpler by using technology. Technology is not just computers but is phones also, which is an essential for any business to have. With technology small businesses can become world-wide businesses and exceed the main purpose and achievement of the owner. To begin with, technology has made businesses grow. By using computers to achieve simple task as book keeping can make the job easier and keep all papers organized. Computers can help perform many tasks that offices have to do, like book keeping. Microsoft excel can help you perform this task in one single page without confusions and with less work than by paper. This is because excel can perform calculations for you once you adapt it, it is as simple as that. You can perform book keeping, record keeping, and perform all kind of calculations fast, understandable and visible in a single page. Now a day, you can have your meetings with business partners who are around the world in front of your computer! You can use Phones which are also a part of technology, and without them you can’t make orders for your business, or talk to others business people who can help you make your business grow while making you grow as an owner and entrepreneur also. Productivity can also improve in so many ways by using technology. Technology is exciting and can make things happen in a blink of an eye, work can be so much easier for employees. For example, now supermarkets have advance machines in order to ring the customer’s supplies, if an error occurs the employee can easily delete it instead of ringing everything up again. Without the advance technology we have today, the employees would have to put all prices by hand meaning they have to memorize all prices and if an error occurs, they will have to ring everything up again in order for the total to be correct. Also by having meetings done at that instant online you can save all the time of flying across the world to meet with a business partner, so whatever was in concern can be fixed and finish what you have to do, meaning more progress and productivity. By producing a website for your business can you can help it grow and expand your business to many other countries and produce more profit. By making a website many more people can see what your business bring to the world and have to offer. While a website is world-wide, your customers are world-wide, meaning more goods and services the business provide will be obtained and sold. If you sell your merchandize through the web you can perform a test and see how many states and countries, would like to have one of your businesses around based on the location wants and needs and construct the business in that specific location. For that fact, that the owner can make the business grow in difference ways, he/she can grow as an entrepreneur also. Finally with technology, you can produce more profit. By using technology in several ways you can increase the income of the business. Obviously, if you can produce and sell more not only in your location of business but in the web and around the world in which you will expand your business to, you will sell and increase profit. The entrepreneur’s income will increase and his success will exceed what was thought to be achieved. Anyone can be an entrepreneur but only the ones who force themselves to do better, can achieve excellence. I think that to install various businesses is not what makes an entrepreneur is how you keep those business stabilize and running is what makes a great entrepreneur. Technology doesn’t have to be imported into the business, business can be technology. There are many businesses in which technology is the main purpose, some businesses produce and sell technology, all kinds and types of it. From computers to printers to phones, not only phones but smart phones and templates which can be made into computers, mp3 and iPod. These are gadgets that are nothing without technology; technology is what brings all these gadgets to live. Some businesses cannot produce without technology if you think of it. For example, supermarkets, when you go pay at the registers, most supermarkets are now complete made of technology, the weigh in order to know the prices of fruits and vegetables are connected to the computer which transfer the weight and gives you a price, the screen you look at to keep in check the prices, that’s connected to the same monitor and it all combines to the register. When you are ready to pay and it’s with your credit card, you pass it through a machine which is connected to all and the internet to get an approval. This all needs technology to function. Matthew Hohn said â€Å"Together with the advancement of science and technology, technological innovations grew along with it, resulting to the emergence of new equipment and gadgets. No matter how big or small your company is, technology brings both intangible and tangible benefits to become cost efficient and to meet the growing demands and needs of customers†in the article. I agree with him in every aspect, technology has advance the way to look into our world and experiences, and by connecting businesses with technology and the way it can change the whole business completely is incredible. It’s truly amazing how technology has changed our world in many different ways and completely. In conclusion, technology has gave business the chance to expand and grow in many ways, by increasing profit, increasing chances of making a being a better one and achieving all the success it thought it will. With technology small businesses can become a world-wide business which will exceed achievement. By becoming world-wide the business will exceed the main purpose and achievement of the owner. Technology can go a really long way especially when it’s combined with business and greatness.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Examining The Understanding Social Disorganization Theory Criminology Essay
Examining The Understanding Social Disorganization Theory Criminology Essay Social Disorganization means the disruption or breakdown of the structure of social relations and values resulting in the loss of social controls over individual and group behavior, the development of social isolation and conflict, and a sense of estrangement or alienation from the mainstream of ones culture; the condition or state of anomie (dictionary). Social Disorganization Theory is a theory that is less than one hundred years old. The founders of this theory are Shaw and McKay. Social disorganization theory was developed in the early 1900s in Chicago, Illinois, based upon the fact that the founders of this theory had been researching juvenile court records for more than one decade (Pratt, Gau, and Franklin 43). The theory suggested that there were high rates of crime in certain neighborhoods; particularly rather poor neighborhoods. Once Shaw and Kay discovered these findings, they figured that crime was no longer based on the individual alone, but more so the structure of th e neighborhood and what the neighborhood consisted of socially; neighbors level of interaction with one another, along with their ability to regulate the youth of their community (Pratt, Gau, and Franklin 44). There are several factors that can help determine social disorganization within a community. A few of these factors include: low socioeconomic status, high rates of residential mobility, increased diversity within the community and single-parent households (Pratt et al. 44, Barton et al. 247, and Kingston et al. 54). However, one of the main factors frequently used to determine social disorganization is residential mobility. Residential mobility is the frequent Childress 2 change of residence, either in the same city or town, or between cities, states or communities (dictionary). Residential mobility has the ability to socially disorganize any community. Neighbors packing up and moving more frequently than not, puts a strain on the ability for people to bond with one another and form a friendship with other residents who also reside in their community. Another factor that is often used to determine social disorganization is the socioeconomic status of a particular neighborhood. Poor neighborhoods with low income usually contain single-parent residencies. Single-parent households with young children living in them, have a hard time controlling the youth of their households, let alone the youth of their communities. Lack of discipline to the youth and improper social skills with their peers causes them to get involved in certain activities that are not only harmful to the community but harmful to themselves as well. According to the authors of the articl e A Test of Social Disorganization Theory in High-Risk Urban Neighborhoods, Structurally disadvantaged neighborhoods that lack the resources to effectively monitor children (such as: summer camps, music lessons, sports training, home computers, and special tutoring) and provide few sanctions for inappropriate behavior are likely to have a higher number of delinquent peer groups available to youthà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Poorly monitored youth are more likely to socialize with deviant peers and to engage in misconduct (Kingston et al. 58-59). As stated before, social disorganization occurs mainly in poor neighborhoods with high residential mobility lack of socializing between the neighbors throughout the community. These factors allow the crime in these communities to grow exponentially. Social exclusion and isolation from one another has a negative effect on the community because it creates a gateway for crime to occur. With no one from the community willing to step up and organize groups like The Neighborhood Watch or etc., it creates opportunities for crime to occur at any given time throughout the community. With no control over the youth living in the community, crime tends Childress 3 to rise. With lack of control over the youth, gangs have a high risk of developing. When gangs develop, there are a number of negative things that can occur. Some of the negative activities that can stem from gangs are burglaries, vandalism, drug-dealing, and violence, just to name a few (Mares, 41). The number of gangs began to rapidly increase in America during the 20th century. Without warning, gangs began showing up and developing in suburban, rural and urban communities (Mares, 41). This could have been prevented somehow if there had been more unity within the communities and if neighbors had been more willing to socialize with one another while agreeing to keep an eye out for any suspicious behavior with their community. However, it is safe to say that gang violence and homicides has the ability to destroy neighborhoods and put fear into people while causing isolation throughout the community (Mares, 42). So, if people within a community are afraid of the area that they are living in, it makes it harder for them to call the police and report a crime; and if they do report a crime, the chances of them cooperating with the police and stepping up as a public witness is not high, because they may feel threatened by the local gang members of the community, as well as scared for their lives. When this occurs, crime increases within the community because local gang members feel as if theyre invincible and as if they can get away with any crime they commit, no matter how large or small the crime may be (Mares 43). Social Disorganization started off as a theory fit for urban, rural and suburban neighborhoods. However, throughout the years, social disorganization has progressed from slum neighborhoods to college campuses. With the Virginia Tech and Northern Illinois University shootings, campus crime seems pretty evident in these areas (Barton et al. 245). According to the authors of the article Social disorganization theory and the college campus, four-year college universities reported 44 murders, 2,491 forcible rapes, 1,386 robberies, 2,130 aggravated assaults, 25,978 burglaries, and 3,410 motor vehicle thefts back in 2007 in the United States Childress 4 (Barton et al. 245). Residential mobility is an obvious factor of social disorganization on college campuses because most colleges do not require their student to live on campus. Students living in nearby towns tend to commute back and forth to school everyday. Theres also the case where students get to pick a new room during the room reservation process towards the end of every academic school year. The percentage of students remaining in the same dorm room year after year is not very high. All of these factors regarding residential mobility on college campuses make it very hard for neighboring students in the dormitories to form a lasting bond with one another, since students usually get a new neighbor at the beginning of every academic school year once they move back onto campus. Then you have the college students who decide to pledge for a Greek organization on campus. These organizations take up the majority of a students time. Those students who live on campus but are dedicated to a Greek organization are hardly ever in their dorm rooms, thus, making it that much easier for crimes, such as burglaries, to occur on the college campus, particularly in the dormitories. Despite the positive things that Greek organizations do for the community, crime is very much capable of happening at their events, particularly their parties. Certain crimes such as under-age drinking, illegal drug use and vandalism are, very much so, capable of happening at a Greek organizations college party (Barton et al. 248). However, according to authors of the article Social disorganization theory and the college campus, Stronger community organizations provide more opportunities for positive social interaction, improve formal social control by increasing the chances that neighbors will observe neighborhood activity and intervene when they see potential problems, and thereby decrease the chance of crime occurring (Barton et al. 248). The dynamics of a community determine whether or not there will be social disorganization. Of course openness and communication within the community enhances the Childress 5 chances of gaining more control over the youth residing in nearby homes of their neighbors, including the homes of their own (if they have any). Coming together and unifying to form protection groups such as The Neighborhood Watch, will give people within the community a feeling of safety and protection. So, if someone from The Neighborhood Watch witnesses a crime taking place with their community, they may feel more confident and safe about calling the police to report it, since they will have the support of the The Neighborhood Watch within the community to fall back on. Aside from unity and proper communication amongst the residents of a community, the quality of the schools within the community have a strong ability to decrease social disorganization. Schools within a community that are not overcrowded or lacking basic needs such as teaching supplies and up-to-date text books, makes the students who are attending that particular institution more guaranteed to gain a quality education (Kingston et al. 58). This will give them more of an interest in pursuing a higher education, such as college, which will give them motivation to focus more on school by getting good grades and becoming more involved with extracurricular activities, instead of getting into trouble out in the streets of their community. According to the text book Key Ideas in Criminology and Criminal Justice, the authors conclude at the end of chapter four that levels of social disorganization may affect informal control and criminal opportunity mechanism, which, in turn, directly influence neighborhood crime rates (Pratt et al. 50). Childress 6
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Moral Complexity in the Making and Keeping of Promises Essay examples -
The making of a promise involves the voluntary giving of one's word that, if and when a particular circumstance or situation comes about, one will undertake to act in a manner defined by the terms of the promise one has given. The act of making the promise, in other words, implies a willingness to keep it. What is being agreed is that, on the basis of something said in the past, one's future actions will, insofar as the future is foreseeable, follow a particular course and no other. On the related, but rather different question of the motivation involved in keeping a promise, it may be that the promise-maker's acting or deciding in a particular way places him in a position identical to or in complete sympathy with the person to whom the promise has been made. Equally, it is, possible that events may turn out in such a way as to suggest that to keep the promise would be harmful to the interest of the person to whom it was made. Should this dilemma arise, whether or not the promise is kept must depend upon the particular circumstances of the case. Choosing not to keep a promise in such a situation would be not a demonstration of the promiser's inability to keep his word, but a clear indication of his quite proper awareness that, in deciding what course to take, the promiser has quite properly concluded that the interest of others must be placed before his own. This situation is philosophically interesting in two immediately apparent ways: firstly, because of the questions which it raises concerning the ways in which a present or future obligation might be argued to exist in relation to a promise given in the past; secondly, because it is possible to imagine a society in which the concept of keeping promises does not exist, s... ... that of being possible beneficiaries by my action. They do stand in this relation to me, and this relation is morally significant. But they may also stand to me in the relation of promisee to promiser, of creditor to debtor, of wife to husband, of child to parent, of friend to friend, of fellow countryman to fellow countryman, and the like; and each of these relations is the foundation of a prima facie duty, which is more or less incumbent on me according to the circumstances of the case." Bibliography: Foot, Philippa (ed.) Theories of Ethics Oxford University Press, 1990 Honderich, Ted (ed.) The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Oxford University Press, 1995 Mackie, J. L. Ethics: Inventing Right and Wrong Penguin, 1977 Norman, Richard The Moral Philosophers Oxford University Press, 1983 Ross, W. D. The Right and the Good London, 1930. Moral Complexity in the Making and Keeping of Promises Essay examples - The making of a promise involves the voluntary giving of one's word that, if and when a particular circumstance or situation comes about, one will undertake to act in a manner defined by the terms of the promise one has given. The act of making the promise, in other words, implies a willingness to keep it. What is being agreed is that, on the basis of something said in the past, one's future actions will, insofar as the future is foreseeable, follow a particular course and no other. On the related, but rather different question of the motivation involved in keeping a promise, it may be that the promise-maker's acting or deciding in a particular way places him in a position identical to or in complete sympathy with the person to whom the promise has been made. Equally, it is, possible that events may turn out in such a way as to suggest that to keep the promise would be harmful to the interest of the person to whom it was made. Should this dilemma arise, whether or not the promise is kept must depend upon the particular circumstances of the case. Choosing not to keep a promise in such a situation would be not a demonstration of the promiser's inability to keep his word, but a clear indication of his quite proper awareness that, in deciding what course to take, the promiser has quite properly concluded that the interest of others must be placed before his own. This situation is philosophically interesting in two immediately apparent ways: firstly, because of the questions which it raises concerning the ways in which a present or future obligation might be argued to exist in relation to a promise given in the past; secondly, because it is possible to imagine a society in which the concept of keeping promises does not exist, s... ... that of being possible beneficiaries by my action. They do stand in this relation to me, and this relation is morally significant. But they may also stand to me in the relation of promisee to promiser, of creditor to debtor, of wife to husband, of child to parent, of friend to friend, of fellow countryman to fellow countryman, and the like; and each of these relations is the foundation of a prima facie duty, which is more or less incumbent on me according to the circumstances of the case." Bibliography: Foot, Philippa (ed.) Theories of Ethics Oxford University Press, 1990 Honderich, Ted (ed.) The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Oxford University Press, 1995 Mackie, J. L. Ethics: Inventing Right and Wrong Penguin, 1977 Norman, Richard The Moral Philosophers Oxford University Press, 1983 Ross, W. D. The Right and the Good London, 1930.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Robert Johnson :: Biographies Musicians Blues Essays
Robert Johnson I went down to the crossroads fell down on my knees. Robert Johnson went to the crossroads and his life was never the same again. The purpose of this essay is to tell you about the life of Robert Johnson. He is the root of much of the music of today. If he didn't influence the musicians of today directly, he influenced the bands that influenced today's music. Robert Johnson is more than just another Blues man with a sad story. To sing the blues with as much soul as Robert Johnson did, you know his life was rough. The life of Robert Johnson was memorable but short. Robert Johnson was born on May 8, 1911. Robert was a product of an extramarital affair. He lived with many different father figures before moving 40 miles south of Memphis to Robinsonville, Mississippi, where he would live till his early adulthood. The first instrument Robert played was the harmonica. Robert quit school as a teen and started working in the cotton fields. Robert left that life to travel and play his music. He began to play the guitar around the age of fifteen. Famous blues men; Charlie Patton and Willie Brown influenced Johnson when he was young. At age 17, Robert married Virginia Travis. She and their first baby died during childbirth. Johnson then went on the road. Robert traveled all over the Midwest and all the way down to Mississippi and Arkansas. He married Calletta Craft during his travels. She died only a few years later while Robert was on the road. On November 23, 1936, Johnson recorded his music for the first time. The first song he recorded was "Terraplane Blues." It became a best-selling hit for Vocalon, a Columbia Records specialty label. In June of 1937, Johnson recorded for his fifth and final time. Johnson only recorded 29 songs during his lifetime. Johnson would have recorded many more songs and may have been an even bigger legend than he already is if his life was cut short. The death of Robert Johnson was tragic and the myths that surround him will last forever. In August 1938, Johnson played the last show of his life. The jealous husband of a woman that he began an affair with while in Greenwood, Mississippi poisoned Johnson. During the show the husband poisoned Johnson's whiskey. Johnson died on August 13th, 1938, three days after he was poisoned.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Essay on What It Takes to Be a Hero
The first character that comes to my mind when I think of a hero is a character you eight know from The Legend of Zelda. Link, the little fairy boy dressed in funny green clothes. I think he makes a good hero because he is courageous in his fight against the evil Sanford, as well as his quest to save the princess, Zelda. Unfortunately, I don't know much more about Link, because he has nearly no dialogue in any of his games. Another character I think of as a hero is a character from a trilogy I read over the summer. Catkins Evergreen from the Hunger Games.Although she is kind of hot- added, vengeful and deceitful, I think of her are a hero because she has something of a goal to make the world a better place, despite her fear and anger. She battles her way through the game' not only once, but twice, and maintains a courage fueled by her love for her sister and desire for peace. One of my latest heroes is quite different from the other two. Enter Alex Jensen, a somewhat shady, mysteriou s and fearless security guard for a bio-modification lab. After being shot in the head during a raid on the lab by some sort of super beings,Alex Jensen embarks on a long winding Journey to piece together what has happened and defeat various corporate machines seeking monopoly over technology and life. This last hero I will write about is far different than those Eve already written about. He isn't in any books, movies or video games. He's real, and he's my brother. Right now, he's stationed in North Carolina with his fellow Marines after serving a tour in Iraq. Every day while he was in Iraq, I'm sure he was afraid, being so far away with so much violence and death lingering about.But he had the courage to fight through it and fight against terrorism, something I believe is a noble fight. I could go on and on about so many different heroes, but I feel I have an accurate description of what a hero is to me. After comparing these four heroes, Eve found that they all have at least thr ee things in common. In conclusion, to be a hero, one must have a goal, struggle greatly to achieve it and have to courage to overcome the great challenges and not give up. Essay on What It Takes to Be a Hero By Brandon
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Civil Rights and Equality
African American Civil right and Equality Tara Faircloth HIS 204 Mr. Galano October 28, 2011 The topic I have chosen to write about is how African Americans worked to end segregation, discrimination, and isolation to obtain equality and civil rights. Ever since the African Americans were slaves they have had to come a long way to get where they are today. Some have even held positions in political offices, managed corporations, and gained all the rights that everyone else has. But, it’s never always been that way. African Americans were treated unjustly and had to go through things that most people cannot understand and have never had to endure. Over the generations African Americans have had to deal with many different struggles. Some of these struggles were unnecessary. Such as, them having to be a witness to their parents death, men would be witness to the rape of their mothers or wives, children being murdered or beaten. Back in those days the African Americans had no voice or rights. When they first came to the United States, African Americans were sold into slavery, which meant them or family members were auctioned to the slave owners. On top of this and other struggles, African Americans had to bare unmentionable punishments. They were sprayed with high power water hoses, beaten with sticks and wipes, arrested for no apparent reason, and even murdered. Between the 1950’s and 1970’s many people took part in actions to end the segregation, discrimination, and isolation among the African Americans. Some of these people included, Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr. who took part in nonviolent actions, which involved sit-ins, boycotts, marches and other peaceful types of protests. For example, On December 1, 1955 Rosa Parks who was also known as the â€Å"Mother of the Civil Rights Movement†who refused to give up her seat to a white passenger. Because she was disobedient by law she was arrested, tried, and convicted for misconduct. After Rosa Parks made her stand, word spread within the African American communities. Fifty African American leaders put together the Montgomery Bus Boycott, which demanded more humane transportation system. The boycott lasted 381 days before the local ordinance segregating African Americans and whites on public buses was abolished. In 1965, a federal court forced the buses to become desegregated. Martin Luther King Jr. was an American activist, clergyman, as well as a leader in the African American Civil Rights Movement. He is to this day still known as an iconic figure for the advancement of civil rights within the United States and in other parts of the world, as well as for using nonviolent methods that he learned from Gandhi’s teachings. Martin Luther King Jr. s made to be a heroic leader in the history of modern American liberalism. When King started the civil rights movement he was a pastor at a Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama, for just over a year when the civil rights advocate contested racial segregation on city buses. The activists followed King and formed the Montgomery Improvement Association which boycotted the transit system. Finally, since the African America ns were ready to do something to support their rights they followed Kings Advice to â€Å"work with grim and firm determination to gain justice on the buses in the city†. He was respected and it was thought that his family connections and professional standing would enable him to find other pastorates, if the boycott was to fail. On April 4, 1968, Martin Luther King Jr. was shot standing outside on the balcony of his second story hotel room. The bullet went through his check smashing his jaw, and then went through his spinal cord just before it lodged inside his shoulder. Martin Luther King Jr. was pronounced dead later that night. African Americans began participating in boycotts, marches, and sit-ins to get legislation passed to overcome their degrading issues. Some cases of these are, they boycotted when Rosa Parks was arrested, during sit-ins they would sit where the white people section was. By doing any of these actions it created more issues for them such as being beaten by white men and women including the police. Although, the African Americans were just trying to stand up for what they believed in the white people did not agree. The white people had very different views on what they believed were supposed to be the way of things. While the civil rights movement took on two different paths which were the non-violent actions by Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr. there were also violent acts that were the strategies of Malcolm X who went by a strict principle of violence to get even with the whites that committed crimes against the African Americans. Malcolm X was born May 19, 1925 in Omaha, Nebraska. He was the son of a Baptist minister, who was an admirer of Marcus Garvey. Garvey was the African American Nationalist leader back in the 1920’s the advocated the â€Å"back-to-Africa†movement. Malcolm’s family had to move around a lot because they were harassed by the Ku Klux Klan. For example, their home in Michigan was set on fire by the Ku Klux Klan which resulted in his father’s death. At the age of fifteen Malcolm began a criminal life of gambling, selling drugs, burglary, and hustling. In 1946, Malcolm was given ten years in prison for burglary at this time is when he began to transform his life. He transformed his life by studying the teachings of Muhammad and practicing this religion faithfully. After he expanded his vocabulary he began to understand the racial teachings of his new found religion; which believed the white man was evil, and they were doomed by Allah and that the best things for the black man to do was to separate himself from Western, white civilization-culturally, politically, physically, and psychologically. In conclusion, the African Americans had to endure a lot of pain and humiliation before they could have their own rights. If it wasn’t for everyone that took part in the civil rights movement African Americans probably never would have received recognition and being treated the same as the white man.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
BMW vs Mercedes Essay
Bayerische Motoren Werke AG Bayerische Motoren Werke AG ( English: Bavarian Motor Works), commonly known asBMW or BMW AG, is a German automobile, motorcycle and engine manufacturing company founded in 1916. BMW is headquartered in Munich, Bavaria, Germany. It also owns and produces Mini cars, and is the parent company ofRolls-Royce Motor Cars. BMW produces motorcycles under BMW Motorrad. In 2012, the BMW Group produced 1,845,186 automobiles and 117,109 motorcycles across all of its brands. BMW is part of the â€Å"German Big 3†luxury automakers, along with Audi and Mercedes-Benz, which are the three best-selling luxury automakers in the world. History BMW was established as a business entity following a restructuring of the Rapp Motorenwerke aircraft manufacturing firm in 1917. After the end of World War I in 1918, BMW was forced to cease aircraft-engine production by the terms of theVersailles Armistice Treaty.[5] The company consequently shifted to motorcycle production in 1923, once the restrictions of the treaty started to be lifted,[6] followed by automobiles in 1928–29.[7][8][9] The first car which BMW successfully produced and the car which launched BMW on the road to automobile production was the Dixi, it was based on the Austin 7 and licensed from the Austin Motor Company in Birmingham, England. BMW’s first significant aircraft engine was the BMW IIIa inline-six liquid-cooled engine of 1918, much preferred for its high-altitude performance.[10] With German rearmament in the 1930s, the company again began producing aircraft engines for theLuftwaffe. Among its successful World War II engine designs were the BM W 132 and BMW 801 air-cooled radial engines, and the pioneering BMW 003 axial-flow turbojet, which powered the tiny, 1944–1945–era jet-powered â€Å"emergency fighter†, theHeinkel He 162 Spatz. The BMW 003 jet engine was tested in the A-1b version of the world’s first jet fighter, theMesserschmitt Me 262, but BMW engines failed on takeoff, a major setback for the Emergency Fighter Program until successful testing with Junkers engines.[11][12] Towards the end of the Third Reich BMW developed some military aircraft projects for the Luftwaffe, the BMW Strahlbomber, the BMW Schnellbomber and the BMW Strahljà ¤ger, but none of them were built.[13][14] By the year 1959, the automotive division of BMW was in financial difficulties and a shareholders meeting was held to decide whether to go into liquidation or find a way of carrying on. It was decided to carry on and to try to cash in on the current economy car boom enjoyed so successfully by some of Germanyà ¢â‚¬â„¢s ex-aircraft manufacturers such as Messerschmitt andHeinkel. The rights to manufacture the Italian Iso Isetta were bought; the tiny cars themselves were to be powered by a modified form of BMW’s own motorcycle engine. This was moderately successful and helped the company get back on its feet. The controlling majority shareholder of the BMW Aktiengesellschaft since 1959 is the Quandt family, which owns about 46% of the stock. The rest is in public float. Mercedes-Benz Mercedes-Benz (German pronunciation: [mÉ›Ê ˈtà ¡seË dÉ™s ˈbÉ›ntà ¡s]) is a German automobile manufacturer, a multinational division of the German manufacturer Daimler AG. The brand is used for luxury automobiles, buses, coaches, and trucks. Mercedes-Benz is headquartered in Stuttgart, Baden-Wà ¼rttemberg, Germany. The name first appeared in 1926 under Daimler-Benz but traces its origins to Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft’s 1901Mercedes and to Karl Benz’s 1886 Benz Patent Motorwagen, which is widely regarded as the first automobile. Mercedes-Benz’s slogan is â€Å"Das Beste oder nichts†(English: â€Å"The best or nothing†). Mercedes-Benz is part of the â€Å"German Big 3†luxury automakers, along with Audi and BMW, which are the best selling luxury automakers in the world. Karl Benz in Mannheim, Germany made the 1886 Benz Patent Motorwagen, which is widely regarded as the first automobile Mercedes-Benz traces its origins to Karl Benz’s creation of the first petrol-powered car, the Benz Patent Motorwagen, financed byBertha Benz[3] and patented in January 1886,[4] and Gottlieb Daimler and engineer Wilhelm Maybach’s conversion of a stagecoach by the addition of a petrol engine later that year. The Mercedes automobile was first marketed in 1901 by Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft. The first Mercedes-Benz brand name vehicles were produced in 1926, following the merger of Karl Benz’s and Gottlieb Daimler’s companies into the Daimler-Benz company.[1][4] Throughout the 1930s, Mercedes-Benz produced the 770 model, a car that was popular during Germany’s Nazi period. Adolf Hitler was known to have driven these cars during his time in power, with bulletproofwindshields. Most of the surviving models have been sold at auctions t o private buyers. One of them is currently on display at the War Museum in Ottawa, Ontario. Mercedes-Benz has introduced many technological and safety innovations that later became common in other vehicles.[5] Mercedes-Benz is one of the best known and established automotive brands in the world, and is also one of the world’s oldest automotive brand still in existence today in 2014, having produced the first petrol-powered car.[6] For information relating to the famous three-pointed star, see under the title Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft including the merger into Daimler-Benz. PRODUCT MIX OF BMW BMW is one of the preeminent luxury car manufacturers in Europe, North America, and the world today. BMW produces several lines of cars, including the 3 series, the 5 series, the 7 series, the Z line (driven by Pierce Brosnan as James Bond in Goldeneye), and the new X line, BMW’s â€Å"sport activity†vehicle line. In addition, BMW is now selling Rovers, a British car line anchored by the internationally popular Land Rover sport utility vehicle, and will begin selling Rolls Royce vehicles in 2003. Sales of all the BMW, Rover, and Land Rover vehicles have been on the rise globally. High-profile image campaigns (such as the James Bond promotion) and the award-winning BMW website (where users can design their own car) continue to increase the popularity of BMW’s products. PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE BMW cars typically have a product life cycle of seven years. Motorcycles BMW began production of motorcycle engines and then motorcycles after World War I.[23] Its motorcycle brand is now known as BMW Motorrad. Their first successful motorcycle, after the failed Helios and Flink, was the â€Å"R32†in 1923. This had a â€Å"boxer†twin engine, in which a cylinder projects into the air-flow from each side of the machine. Apart from their single-cylinder models (basically to the same pattern), all their motorcycles used this distinctive layout until the early 1980s. Many BMWs are still produced in this layout, which is designated the R Series. During the Second World War, BMW produced the BMW R75 motorcycle with a sidecar attached. Having a unique design copied from the Zà ¼ndapp KS750, its sidecar wheel was also motor-driven. Combined with a lockable differential, this made the vehicle very capable off-road, an equivalent in many ways to the Jeep. In 1982, came the K Series, shaft drive but water-cooled and with either three or four cylin ders mounted in a straight line from front to back. Shortly after, BMW also started making the chain-driven F and G series with single and parallel twin Rotaxengines. In the early 1990s, BMW updated the airhead Boxer engine which became known as the oilhead. In 2002, the oilhead engine had two spark plugs per cylinder. In 2004 it added a built-in balance shaft, an increased capacity to 1,170 cc and enhanced performance to 100 hp (75 kW) for the R1200GS, compared to 85 hp (63 kW) of the previous R1150GS. More powerful variants of the oilhead engines are available in the R1100S and R1200S, producing 98 hp (73 kW) and 122 hp (91 kW), respectively. BMW introduced anti-lock brakes on production motorcycles starting in the late 1980s. The generation of anti-lock brakes available on the 2006 and later BMW motorcycles pave the way for the introduction of electronic stability control, or anti-skid technology later in the 2007 model year. Automobiles The New Class (German: Neue Klasse) was a line of compact sedans and coupes starting with the 1962 1500 and continuing through the last 2002s in 1977. Powered by BMW’s celebrated four-cylinder M10 engine, the New Class models had a fully independent suspension, MacPherson struts in front, and front disc brakes. Initially a family of four-door sedans and two-door coupes, the New Class line was broadened to two-door sports sedans with the addition of the 02 Series1600 and 2002 in 1966. Sharing little in common with the rest of the line beyond power train, the sporty siblings caught auto enthusiasts’ attention and established BMW as an international brand. Precursors to the famed BMW 3 Series, the two-doors’ success cemented the firm’s future as an upper tier performance car maker. New Class four-doors with numbers ending in â€Å"0†were replaced by the larger BMW 5 Series in 1972. The upscale 2000C and 2000CS coupes were replaced by the six-cylinder BMW E9, introduced in 1969 with the 2800CS. The 1600 two-door was discontinued in 1975, and the 2002 was replaced by the 320i in 1975. The 1 Series, originally launched in 2004, is BMW’s smallest car. Currently available are the second generation hatchback (F20) and first generation coupe/convertible (E82/E88). The 3 Series, a compact executive car manufactured since model year 1975, is currently in its sixth generation (F30); models include the sport sedan (F30), and fourth generation station wagon (F30), and convertible (E93), and the Gran Turismo. In 2014, the 4 Series will be released and replace the 3 Series Coupe and Convertible. The 5 Series is a mid-size executive car, available in sedan (F10) and station wagon (F11) forms. The 5 Series Gran Turismo (F07), which debuted in 2010, created a segment between station wagons and crossover SUV.[24] BMW’s full-size flagship executive sedan is the 7 Series. Typically, BMW introduces many of their innovations first in the 7 Series, such as the iDrive system. The 7 Series Hydrogen, having one of the world’s first hydrogen fueled internal combustion engines, is fueled by liquid hydrogen and emits only clean water vapor. The latest generation (F01) debuted in 2009. Based on the 5 Series’ platform, the 6 Series is BMW’s grand touring luxury sport coupe/convertible (F12/F13). A 2-seater roadsterand coupe which succeeded the Z3, the Z4 has been sold since 2002. Motorsport BMW has been engaged in motorsport activities since the dawn of the first BMW motorcycle in 1923. BMW has a history of success in Formula One. BMW powered cars have won 20 races. In 2006 BMW took over the Sauberteam and became Formula One constructors. In 2007 and 2008 the team enjoyed some success. The most recent win is a lone constructor team’s victory by BMW Sauber F1 Team, on 8 June 2008, at the Canadian Grand Prix with Robert Kubicadriving. BMW was an engine supplier to Williams, Benetton, Brabham, and Arrows. Notable drivers who have started their Formula One careers with BMW include Jenson Button, Juan Pablo Montoya, Robert Kubica and Sebastian Vettel. In July 2009, BMW announced that it would withdraw from Formula One at the end of the 2009 season.[27] The team was sold back to the previous owner, Peter Sauber, who kept the BMW part of the name for the 2010 season due to issues with theConcorde Agreement. The team has since dropped BMW from their name starting in 2011 . Public Relations Effective public relations need to play an integral part in BMW marketing strategy. It is important for BMW to maintain regular contact with all organisational stakeholders with the use of various marketing communication channels. Specifically, communication channels used in public relations include, but not limited to online press releases, annual reports, speeches, and seminars. As part of their corporate social responsibility initiatives BMW management is also recommended to increase the level of its association with local charities in the UK such as Oxfam, NSPCC, or Cancer Research UK. Moreover, BMW management can initiate the development of identity magazine of the BMW Group which can cover the latest trends and news in local and global automobile industry and at the same time serve as an effective channel to communicate the marketing message to the target customer segment. Advertising Advertising can be defined as â€Å"the activity or profession of producing information for promoting the sale of commercial products or services†(Business Dictionary, 2013, online). BMW is recommended to be communicating its marketing message to target customer segment on the basis of using a set of advertising channels. Specifically, engagement in print and broadcast advertisement through channels popular amongst BMW target customer segment needs to be adopted as one of the cores of the marketing strategy. Advertising banners need to be displayed in locations in London frequently attended by BMW target customer segment such as Canary Wharf and City. Moreover, BMW marketing team is recommended to be improving the quality of point-of-sales advertising through supplying audio, video and image materials that motivate salon visitors to commit to the purchase. Sales Promotion Sales promotion involves offering short-term incentives for potential customers to commit to the purchase of products and services. BMW Group is recommended to use sales promotion in the UK market in an occasional manner in order to increase the levels of revenues for short-term perspectives. For example, 100th anniversary of BMW on March 7, 2013 can be specified as an appropriate occasion to announce 10% sales promotion for all BMW models. However, it is important to note that BMW needs to engage in sales promotions in the UK market only in an occasional manner, no more than once a year, because using sales promotion more frequently may cause depreciation of BMW premium brand value. PRICING STRATEGY The prices of BMW Group are based on a differentiated strategy. This means that they charge extra for premium quality. This difference in prices is due to each cars different engine size, gear levels, fuel consumption, sports version. The pricing strategy that the BMW Group adopts is based on several key trends. One most important trend of BMW is labeled as â€Å"premium-tization†. Premium-tization trend of BMW causes polarization of markets. This trend triggers the consumers to demand and pay much higher prices for the perceived quality. SWOT ANALYSIS OF BMW GROUP A SWOT analysis will be used to see the various Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of the BMW Group. Strengths: Strong marketing strategy. Customers recognize the strong brand name of BMW Group Company. Strong brand image i.e. BMW, MINI Cooper and Rolls Royce. Every 2 to 3 years BMW introduces its new version of cars i.e. constant innovation and technology. Weaknesses: There is an increasing number of duplicate spare parts of BMW and MINI Cooper. The manufacturing costs of BMW cars are very high as compared to its competitors. This is also a reason for high pricing of BMW cars. Not a mass market company like Toyota and their volumes are small. Opportunities There is an opportunity for BMW Group to increase further innovation and technology in their cars due to increasing competition in car industry. BMW Group should also look to make new collaboration with other car manufacturers i.e. introducing new brands. BMW Group should also look to produce cheaper cars by new innovation and technology. Expansion of the BMW Group in Asia Pacific, Asia, Africa and Australia. Threats Recession which has affected businesses in every part of the world. To maintain the same level of innovation and performance. The growing competition in the automobile industry i.e. competitors of BMW Group include Mercedes, Audi, Jaguar, Ford, Lexus. The earnings of the BMW Group are Dollar dominated, so the increasing strength of Euro is another threat for the company. DISTRIBUTION CHANNEL BMW Welt focuses on strengthening the dialogue with customers and visitors by showing a wide range of BMW cars and motorcycles, and providing vehicle distribution, particularly the creation of a special experience with regards to customer collection of an ordered vehicle. BMW Welt also offers shops with BMW auxiliary products, as well as a fully serviced gastronomic restaurant. In the meeting forum, BMW Welt offers conference rooms and the opportunity to stage media events. The building often houses exhibitions related to new BMW models and, since 2012, other BMW Group brands such as Mini and Rolls-Royce BMW plans a new distribution system for the 5-series sedan that will keep some of the vehicles allocated to dealerships in one of three locations around the country. The distribution system would give dealers pools of cars in three locations, said Miles. Rather than ship each dealership’s total monthly allocation to the store, some of the cars will be kept at BMW processing fa cilities on both coasts and in the South. â€Å"The basic principle is to make more of the inventory that exists available to sell and to reduce the dealers’ floorplan cost,†MERCEDES PRODUCT RANGE VANS Mercedes-Benz Vans sets standards through perfection and meticulous attention to detail. Ground-breaking innovations and excellent value retention are decisive for the brand’s success. With its broad spectrum of offers the brand can really score points with the customer.The Mercedes-Benz Vans product spectrum includes vans, MPVs and camper vans for private and commercial use. Mercedes-Benz Vans stands for sustainable technologies. In particular the new Mercedes-Benz Sprinter, introduced in the spring of 2013, was equipped with technologies that make it even more frugal and environmentally compatible. Whether for a private or commercial customer – Mercedes-Benz Vans is focused on customisation according to the customer’s needs. Although each customer is different, one thing applies to all in the same measure: Mercedes-Benz Vans delivers the best possible solution. TRUCKS As part of the Daimler Trucks division, Mercedes-Benz Trucks has been a hallmark of premium quality for over 100 years now. It stands not only for reliability and economic efficiency, but also for first-class product and service quality and comprehensive expertise in the area of customer-oriented transport solutions. The high standard of quality applies equally to our Actros, Arocs, Axor, Antos and Atego truck series and to special-purpose vehicles from Mercedes-Benz Trucks. The latter include the Mercedes-Benz Econic and the legendary Unimog, for example. Our comprehensive range is rounded off by the Mercedes-Benz Zetros, which has been designed as an off-road truck for deployment in extremely rough terrain. BUSES The world’s first motorised bus was built in Germany by Karl Benz in 1895, some years before Gottlieb Daimler also started to build and sell buses in Germany as well. By 1898 both Karl Benz and Gottlieb Daimler, then rivals, were exporting their buses to Wales and England. Soon Daimler products were sold in the British Empire in a partnership with the British company Milnes. Milnes-Daimler developed a double-decker in 1902 and provided a bus for the first motorised bus service in the United Kingdom the following year. Though the company met success in selling buses throughout the British Empire, the partnership between Daimler and Milnes had to be undone due to the First World War. CARS Mercedes-Benz carries a full range of passenger, light commercial and heavy commercial equipment. Vehicles are manufactured in multiple countries worldwide. The Smart marque of city cars and Maybach luxury cars are also produced by Daimler AG. Between 2003 and 2009, Mercedes-Benz produced a limited-production sports car with McLaren Cars. The resulting Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren was an extension of the collaboration by which Mercedes engines are used by the Team McLaren-Mercedes Formula One racing team, which was then part owned by Mercedes. SWOT ANALYSIS OF MERCEDES Strength: 1. Mercedes Benz has a strong brand value and global leader in premium cars 2. Lack of capital constraints 3. Leader in innovation i.e. 1st to introduce diesel engines, fuel injection and anti locking brakes 4. More than $12bn allocated for R&D 5. Strong presence in motor sport under McLaren Mercedes 6. Manufactured and assembled in over 20 countries across the world 7. Mercedes holds patents on the majority of safety features Weakness 8. High maintenance cost of Mercedes Benz cars Opportunity: 1. Developing hybrid cars and fuel efficient cars for the future 2. Tapping emerging markets across the world and building a global brand 3. Fast growing luxury automobile market & increased income Threats: 1. Government policies for the automobile sector across the world 2. Ever increasing fuel prices 3. Intense competition from global automobile brands
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